We coach all sports and ages (13 years old +) of athletes. Our goal is to create a movement that gets every person moving as a better athlete, no matter what sport you participate in! 

how are you different to a personal trainer?

I am an accredited Level 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach with a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science (Human Movement) and a Masters of Strength & Conditioning (Exercise Science). Unlike a PT, it is in my scope of practice to physically prepare athletic populations and improve their physical performance qualities such as strength, power, speed and agility.

"Physical preparation of athletic populations in Australia is not in the scope of practice of individuals who are not credentialed by the ASCA (e.g. Personal Trainers) through the National Coach Accreditation Scheme. Importantly, to refer to oneself as a ‘Strength and Conditioning Coach’ in Australia, the individual must be credentialed in strength and conditioning, not personal fitness training." (Australian Strength and Conditioning Association 2019). 

I want to join the movement but where do i start?

An initial assessment is required before any training commences and will set you up for a more personalised training experience. To schedule a new athlete initial assessment please use our online booking system or alternatively contact us to schedule a time. 

do you offer team coaching or consulting?

Yes, if your sporting club or team is interested in coaching or consulting please email for further information.

Which training option is best for me?

To find the best training option for you as an individual it is best to consider a few key points 1) your training age & experience in a gym, 2) current movement ability and limitations, and 3) previous injury history. 

1-on-1 Private Coaching

  • You will have a coach with you at all times, ensuring you are technically proficient and always ready to reach your athletic potential and win the day

  • All individuals must have a new athlete initial assessment prior to their first session

Small Group Coaching:

  • Train in a small group of up to 4 athletes (cost efficient)

  • Each athlete will have a unique program tailored to their individual goals but work together as a team 

  • All individuals must have a new athlete initial assessment prior to their first session. Enquire for pricing and interest

Performance Programming Services: 

  • Follow an individualised program at your most convenient training location.

  • You receive the same level of coaching and program design at a fraction of the cost of Private Coaching

  • All individuals must have a new athlete initial assessment prior to their first program